Designed to meet the demand from the industry and raise the safety bar even further.


Our Anchor Handling courses are prepared according to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) 1978/1995 including the Manila Amendments 2010, which in its Section B-V/e states the importance of the training of officers and masters involved in anchor handling operations, and that appropriate simulator training may be used as a supplement in the training of masters and officers serving on the AHTS vessels.

Our courses are also based on the Guidelines for Offshore Marine Operations (GOMO), section 4.5.4. which refers to the training of officers on board Anchor Handling vessels, and section 11¸ which refers to Anchor Handling operations.


Anchor Handling Basic course has a total of 24 training hours distributed in 3 days, of which 17 are theoretical hours and 7 are practical hours in the simulator. 

The theoretical hours will train the candidates in, among others, the following areas:
-    Characteristics of Anchor Handling Vessels and Equipment
-    Rigging for Anchor Handling
-    Safety Procedures
-    Stability
-    Running and retrieving anchors
-    Water depth and wire length
-    Planning and risk assessment




Anchor Handling Advanced course is having a heavier content of practice: out of the 32 total lective hours of the course, 12 are theoretical and 20 practical hours. The course is usually held in 4 days.

The Anchor Handling Advanced course is providing theoretical knowledge in the following areas, among others:
-    Stability of Anchor Handling Vessels and compliance with existing rules
-    Running and retrieving anchors
-    Fishing and grappling operations
-    Handling wires and chains
-    Wire operations
-    Safety procedures
-    Planning and risk assessment


This course is intended for personnel working at shipbroker offices, ship owner, shipyard, manning agents or suppliers of ship equipment who want more knowledge of anchor handling operations. The course will fit for personnel in all types of jobs, but should be especially relevant for sale and service personnel.

The main objective of the course is to provide the participants understanding on how anchor handling operations are done and experienced on board an anchor handling vessel in cooperation with the rig, with focus on dangers and risks involved in such operations.


This course intends to train key personnel on board Anchor Handlers who have the role of Winch Operators. The course lasts 15 hours (of which 4 hours are practical exercises in the simulator).

Upon completion of the course, the candidates will be able to: Understand the different items of the winch, understand the forces which affect a cable when operating with winches, perform entry level operations with the winches in the simulator and understand the risks associated with this kind of operation and be able to evaluate a risk assessment and be aware of and understand safety procedures.


This course is aimed at key personnel on rig moving operations, including health and safety leaders, barge masters, marine personnel wanting to become a rig moving master, and executives who need to expand on their rig moving knowledge and understanding.

The course is intended to provide a better understanding of rig moving, its associated risks and how to achieve a safe move, taking in to account safety procedures and planning of the whole operations through different tasks and environment conditions.

The practical exercises of this course will be performed in our state-of-the-art offshore simulator.


All our instructors are professionals in the Anchor Handling area, active Masters on board AHTS vessels, who with their vast knowledge and expertise are available to guide the candidates in the best achievement of the goals required. 


Certified by Croatian Register of Shipping

Certified by Croatian Register of Shipping

By the end of each course, there is a both theoretical and practical assessment, in which we make sure that they have acquired the required knowledge to be given the appropriate certificate. The certificate is valid for a period of 5 years.

The candidates are required to present the following documentation:
-    Identification card or passport
-    2 passport-sized color photographs
-    Certificate of Competence
For the Advanced course, the certificate of Anchor Handling Basic course is also required.

We can deliver the course with a minimum of 2 candidates, and a maximum of 8.